ASTM F1487-17

CPSC Guidelines #325

5-Seat Merry Go Cycle

Product Specifications

  • PFS022
  • 2-5 Years
  • 5
  • Merry-Go-Rounds
  • 24"
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Product Description

Safety Zone: 17′ 10″ x 17′ 10″

The merry-go-cycle allows children to propel the device around in circles while pushing their own pedals. Kids can grow strong leg muscles as they spin around this merry-go-round. Playgrounds for smaller children rarely focus on building lower-body strength and motor skills, and this bicycle-like product can fill that essential physical activity need. In addition to being able to develop these kinds of skills, children can also get a sense of cooperation, developing important social skills as they all do their part to spin faster. This one play piece can promote several different skills: physical, social, and communal. That’s not bad for one merry-go-round!